EPIC – 2023 Distribution List | 2,000+ Contacts


EPIC (Electronic Privacy Information Center) is a non-profit research and advocacy organization based in the United States, focused on defending civil liberties and promoting individual privacy rights in the digital age. Established in 1994, EPIC works to protect privacy, freedom of expression, and democratic values, particularly in the context of emerging technologies and data protection issues.
EPIC engages in various activities, including policy analysis, litigation, public education, and advocacy to address privacy concerns arising from the use of information technologies, surveillance practices, and data collection by both private entities and government agencies. The organization is actively involved in advocating for stronger privacy laws, transparency in data practices, and safeguards against potential abuses of technology that threaten individual privacy and civil liberties.
As a respected voice in the field of privacy rights, EPIC collaborates with policymakers, regulators, and other organizations globally to influence and shape privacy policies and practices. It conducts research, publishes reports, and provides resources to inform the public and policymakers about emerging privacy challenges and effective privacy protection strategies.
EPIC’s work spans various areas, including online privacy, government surveillance, consumer data protection, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. By advocating for robust privacy protections and ensuring accountability for privacy breaches, EPIC continues to be a key player in safeguarding individual privacy rights in the digital era.

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Visitors to EPIC include:

  • Privacy advocates and activists
  • Policy makers and legislators
  • Technology and data privacy professionals
  • Legal experts and attorneys specializing in privacy law
  • Researchers and academics in privacy and data protection
  • Representatives from government agencies and regulatory bodies
  • Privacy-conscious individuals and consumers
  • Representatives from tech companies and corporations dealing with data privacy
  • Journalists and media professionals covering privacy-related issues
  • Non-profit organizations and NGOs focused on civil liberties and privacy rights.
  • Data will be provided in Excel Spreadsheet[.xlsx format] for unlimited usage via email  on successful online purchase

    Profile Data Fields: First Name | Last Name | Company Name | Title | Web Address | Present Address | Country | State/Province | City | Zip Code | Contact Number | Official Email Address


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